Passing on the fire, watching forward: Review and prospects for the 2022 shine everyone yearend celebration
Ten years of spring blossoms and autumn fruits, and today's courageous work is renewed day by day. The 2022 Shine Everyone year-end event has come to a successful conclusion!
This year, it's once in a century. In 2022, we have gained a lot, such as the addition of new partners, an increase in office space, and a large waistline from pocket irrigation, which is bestowed by industry dividends. But over a decade of industry experience has taught me that this may be the beginning of the next cold winter.
People's needs are not always present, and items have a timeline of consumption, which gives the chip industry a clear industry cycle and is linked to the political economy.
So even at present, if you are looking at flowers and lanterns in Chang'an, you should still be prepared for danger and prepare enough food and grass for the upcoming cold winter to march and fight.
Post time: Jul-31-2023